
MISSING- man, ..err cat down

I had every intention of having a nice upbeat Valentine’s Day post however, today was thwarted by the discovery that our 10 month old cat has.. gone missing.  I am a huge cat lover, all of us are! But, today Team Garcia has been hit.  Teancum (our ferocious boy cat) has been calling out all day for his little pest Havana… IMG_1138

and, I have just been a mess.  For some people cats or pets rather are just something they take care of, but not for this family.  They are an important part of our lives, and right now, we are at a loss right now.  We have faith that someone will find her and call us…


Havana We love you!

If you are in the Germany US Housing Area of Wiesbaden… please keep your eyes out for this furry feline!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear this. Hope your kitty finds its way home soon...
